Welcome to vacuumdaily.net


giuliano_bosiA new blog dedicated entirely to the world of vacuum technology.
Vacuumdaily.net was created as a helpful tool for all the engineers, builders and technicians that deal with problems of industrial automation on a daily basis: the use of technologies to create and manage vacuum can offer new opportunities, new ideas and alternative solutions that help to improve production processes in numerous industrial sectors.
Vuototecnica, a leading company in the sector that boasts more than thirty years of specialised experience in the business, has decided to confront this challenger on the web.
Giuliano Bosi, owner of the company, is the main leader of the project and its principal creator.
“From today onwards, our know-how, unique for its breadth and diversity, will not just be the exclusive patrimony of the company. Every innovation, to be truly such, is tied to the communication of the innovation itself, which allows both the producer and user of the innovation to diffuse their knowledge, thus creating value”.
Welcome to vacuumdaily.net!


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