Save energy with vacuum


Interview with Davide Bosi, Technical Sales Manager for Vuototecnica

What is the state of the art in vacuum technologies in the field of energy saving?
Designing and creating solutions that allow saving energy is a must. In fact, on one hand, it allows considerably reducing production costs, mainly in all those industrial processes where primary energy has a high cost, while on the other; it contributes to promoting environmental sustainability.intervista_bosi_risparmio_energeticoHowever, vacuum plants are frequently misused; being either oversized or neglected due to the lack of information on new vacuum generation technologies, which results in excessive energy consumption.

What kind of energy savings does the correct knowledge of vacuum plants allow for?
In a vacuum generation plant, the correct sizing and the use of adequate equipment allow saving 50% energy with a drastic reduction of vacuum pumps wear and maintenance.

Which is the main mistake made when using vacuum plants?
In 60% of cases, vacuum pumps operate continuously, even when the machine or the system they are installed on, do not require vacuum. This results in a waste of energy, premature wear and constant maintenance to prevent machine downtime. All this generates costs that affect the operating economy of the plant.

Which are the solutions offered by Vuototecnica?
Whenever possible, depending on the work cycle, Vuototecnica offers and recommends using a pumpset (pump and tank) or a central vacuum system (pumps and tank) that allow: reducing the number of direct suction vacuum pumps; concentrating and limiting vacuum pump control and maintenance in one single area; reducing the actual pump operation time by 40%, given the same work cycle of one or more pumps that are always active; preventing machine downtime thanks to the help of safety pumpsets, with vacuum pumps that operate in tandem and control panels that constantly monitor their operation.

What kind of investment does the improvement of vacuum generation plant operating economy require?
We at Vuototecnica are always at your disposal for an evaluation aiming at effective energy saving.
The proposal of centralising vacuum is always backed by a detailed technical analysis certifying the actual costs and benefits, as well as the return on investment.
The customer generally amortises the invested capital over an operation period of 6 months/one year.


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