Vacuum technology in packaging processes


Beverage, Cosmetics & Health Care and Chemical industries bring positive performances to the market, recording favourable trends for the Italian packaging industry.

According to a post economic crisis market monitoring conducted by the UCIMA research office, the Italian packaging machine manufacturers association, 2011 is a good year for the packaging and automatic packaging sectors. Their growth in recent months has been assisted by systems and software that were fine-tuned in order to accelerate and simplify packaging processes.

Vuototecnica offers a wide range of vacuum cups and many other applications. When employed in the packaging industry, they ensure effective and innovative solutions.

Examples are the energy-saving AVG vacuum generators, suitable for interlocking vacuum grip systems, for handling sheet metal and glass, as well as plastics and cardboard, which are all necessary for product packaging.

To learn more about AVG generators, click here, or contact the Vuototecnica experts here in order to find the handling and control system that best suits your packaging process, with customised solutions.


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