It’s natural, it’s Vuototecnica


“While every living thing dreams of an ideal world, the nature that surrounds us reminds us every day that this world already exists. To see it, there’s no need to dream. Just look around you”.
This is how the presentation on the projected video wall begins inside the Vuototecnica showroom, located in the company’s new facilities in Beverate di Brivio (LC).

Five minutes of perfection and nature, for a company that has made the slogan “it’s natural, it’s Vuototecnica” its operational philosophy. And if you think about it, the most harmonious structures, the boldest engineering solutions and the strongest and safest materials can all be found in nature. The goal then is to learn how to make use of the best nature has to offer us. Nature has millions of years of experience. It’s a creator and a builder. It knows how to distribute its resources to obtain the best results.
Nothing could possibly teach us how to design better.

Vuototecnica’s engineering team has taken this mission literally, and over the years has designed and marketed a wide range of high tech vacuum technology solutions. From the prehensile feet of the caterpillar, to the tenacious suction cups of the octopus: everything is seen as a source of inspiration for those who know how to observe and study the forces present in nature.

Yet Vuototecnica’s interest in nature is not merely limited to engineering applications. It also extends to concern for the environment in which we live, and our impact upon it. Visitors at the company’s headquarters can truly get a feel for this. The inside houses bright and spacious hallways, new operational areas and classrooms for holding training courses, all surrounded by an energy efficient building and cutting-edge automation elements, perfectly integrated within the surrounding landscape, for a constant
reminder of our dedication to environmental awareness and resource management.

Starting with this video. Enjoy the show.


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