Interview with Roberto Pozzan of Fluidpress 2


Among  Vuototecnica’s, various distribution partners, this month we will be getting to know Fluidpress 2 in San Donà di Piave, thanks to the time afforded to us by Roberto Pozzan, the technical sales manager for the company’s pneumatic division.


FluidPress-PozzanFluidpress was founded in San Donà di Piave in 1976, and has since consolidated itself in the field of sales and service for the hydraulics and pneumatics sectors. With its 2700 m2 of warehouse and office space, as well as its highly qualified staff and production department, Fluidpress can be considered one of the Triveneto region’s leading retailers. The company deals with the design and construction of hydraulic and pneumatic systems for various applications, even based on specific customer requirements, and collaborates with some of the industry’s most prestigious and renowned players, like Vuototecnica.

“Our partnership with Vuototecnica is special”, explains Roberto Pozzan.

We’ve been working together for a long time and Vuototecnica has always been our preferred supplier for the automated vacuum applications of our clients, who over the years have come to greatly appreciate the quality and reliability of its components. We were therefore extremely proud when Vuototecnica selected us as one of its official distributors for the Veneto region during its recent business reorganization. 

In an increasingly competitive and challenging market that make it essential to establish synergies with dynamic and technologically-advanced companies like Vuototecnica, we are convinced that the strengthening of this partnership will allow us to further consolidate our presence throughout the region, as well as to provide even more effective support for Vuototecnica’s clientele.





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