The importance of vacuum tests carried out in the food sector


VuotometroThe vacuum conservation of foods has revolutionised the way we conserve food, enabling us to keep fresh products unaltered for longer periods of time. However, in order to be able to offer consumers quality products, it is essential to check the vacuum levels of the packaging.

Bearing in mind the requirements of food companies, Vuototecnica has designed a vacuum gauge with steel punch able to immediately identify the vacuum level within tin cans and other food containers.

The glycerine bath 09 05 99 vacuum gauge is equipped with a tempered steel punch which enables easy piercing of the containers, and a suction cap able to maintain the vacuum subsequent to piercing the package undergoing testing.

The result reading panel is an enclosed, strong metal box with glass in front and features a dual measurement scale.

The measurement device is based upon the Bourdon spring technology, providing maximum accuracy.

All Vuototecnica vacuum gauges are manufactured in compliance with all safety standards and as per EC regulated units of measurements.

For more information on the Vuototecnica vacuum gauges visit the website





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