Choose the right suction cups thanks to the tools of Vacuum solutions catalogue


questionarioTo choose the suction cups, it is important to consider the use you want to do and the environment in which they will be mounted.

For customer support, Vuototecnica offers to designers an evaluation questionnairet which you can find in Vacuum Solutions catalogue or download directly here, for a faster and more secure choice.

As you can see, is asked to indicate the application field, the material of the product to be handled and the type of surface, considering it may be the presence of dust, oil, water, solvents or other agents that may interfere in any way in gripping items.

Also important are the shape, the size, the weight and other technical characteristics of the product to be taken, so that Vuototecnica technical department can assess the best choice for you in terms of efficiency. In this regard, it is suggested to send a drawing of the product to better facilitate the evaluation.

Working with vacuum, you will need finally to assess: how high above sea level you are, if you operate in a closed or an open environment and by what means you create the vacuum.

After filling out the form you can send it by e-mail to or by fax to number +39 039 5320015.

Vuototecnica will suggest you the product that best suits your needs and if there was not a solution in the catalogue, we will be guided by your ideas in creating a product designed specifically for you.


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