Vuototecnica at the PPMA Show 2015 in Birmingham


PPMA2015Vuototecnica was in Birmingham from September 29 to October 1, at the PPMA Show 2015, to submit its solutions among other production and packaging proposals from around the world.

The fair allowed the contact between buyers and sellers in one of the most dynamic exhibitions for process technologies and packaging, robotic and automation.


The latest products were presented to the British public: the new series of bellow suction cups with an even more powerful gripping lip; Octopus gripping heads produced with 3D printer for maximum customization; the line of RVP vacuum pumps.

Especially, the robot you can see in this video was a great success: equipped with Octopus heads made using 3D printer, which we already spoke of on the blog, a few weeks ago. In combination, the performing Bernoulli vacuum cups.

See you soon with upcoming news on Vuototecnica events!


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