Octopus handling packs in shrink films: no more seasickness!


This month we present a new application of the Octopus gripping system.

The robot you can see in action in this video has the function of moving objects packed with shrink film, which do not have a compact gripping surface and are therefore generally very difficult to pick up.

It is a complex issue but, as you can see, thanks to Octopus it is simply.

Octopus and its plate with bellows suction cups guarantee great grip stability even on flexible films like these.

Can you see how fluid is the movement?

The load is positioned in a precise and fast way.

And this especially thanks to the high degree of vacuum guaranteed by Vuototecnica vacuum generator with multiple ejectors.

The generator helps to increase this stability, because the vacuum source is not remote.

In similar applications, with an impeller with side channels (and low degree of vacuum), for example, we would see the suction cups moving, dangling packages, without precision in positioning on the pallet.

In this case, this does not happen, because the ejector is mounted directly on the Octopus suction box and the operation is successful, in a precise manner, without seasickness.

In addition, Octopus works well even when the gripping surface occupies only 5% of the suction plate.

Each application has its own ideal Octopus. Do you want to find out what yours is? Please, contact Vuototecnica.


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