Pneumatic transport of granules at the Spanish Exposolidos fair


Exposolidos, a Spanish fair dedicated to the production, handling and transport of powder materials, just ended a few days ago.

Vuototecnica was in the event thanks to the local distributor partner Bibus, providing the demo unit for the transport of granules that you can see in the video.

Vuototecnica CX25 flow generators, for pneumatic suction and pressure transport, were grafted onto the granule transport tube.

Needless to say, the application attracted great interest from visitors.

CX generators are powered by compressed air at just 2 bar of pressure and have no moving parts, which favors their continuous use, without developing heat.

They do not need electricity and are therefore also ideal for work environments that are subjected to fire or explosion hazard.

They can also be used to transport other materials such as pellets, wood shavings and powders, even for long distances.
Very easy to maintain, they are also available in stainless steel for the moving of abrasive powders.

You can see the new demo unit in action live, during MECSPE fair. Please, write us for more information about our products.