Vacancy is often scary: when work ends, when school and family commitments end, we don’t know what to do. Sure, we go off to the beach, to the mountains, we spend more time with loved ones, but do we really know how to handle downtime in productive and refreshing ways?
Already the Greek and Roman philosophers knew that pause can be just as prolific as operation and that one is necessary to the other.
For this summer, we offer some reading on the subject in case you don’t know how best to handle the “downtime” that will come your way:

  1. Il dibattito sul vuoto nel XVII secolo, edited by Salvatore Ricciardo (Carrocci, 2017). An anthology of texts on the history of vacuum technology in the seventeenth century (from Pascal to Boyle).
  2. La pienezza del vuoto, by Thuan Trinh Xuan (Ponte alle Grazie, 2017). What is vacuum? What is it made of? Philosophers and mathematicians, scientists and theologians, poets and Nobel laureates have sought an answer, and continue to do so.
  3. Nove parole della fisica, by Alessandro Bettini (Bollati Boringhieri, 2021). Vacuum, inertia, atom, symmetry, space-time, mass, eclipse, quark, cosmos: the author tells us the story of these nine words and the phenomena behind them.

Alternatively, you can browse our application posts and watch our videos here on the blog.
This year Vuototecnica offices are closed from 4/08 to 29/08. See you again in September.


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