There are innovations that surprise with their simplicity and ingenuity, like this American innovation
that replaces the old mechanical clamps with a vacuum-based device to immobilize incorrectly parked
As you can see in the video, a panel equipped with suction cups can make life a bit more difficult for
those who double-park or park in no-parking zones.
After all, if vacuum can lift, move, and hold with great force components in various industrial sectors,
why not use it as a champion of urban order as well?
The two suction cups, with a generous diameter, inexorably fix the apparatus that completely blocks the
driver’s visibility. If the car is started, an alarm goes off and the offending drivers can do nothing but
resign themselves to pay. Only then can the device be removed and returned to the municipality within
the specified terms.
This innovation underscores once again that vacuum technology is not just an “invisible technology”
but a daily life ally for people and can make its presence known in the most unexpected ways.
A suggestion for Vuototecnica for the future? For now, let’s enjoy the technologies for creating and
managing vacuum that are already in operation, but never say never…