Creating pallets of eggs has never been so simple


We suggest watching this video, you can see PVP 12 MX multi-stage vacuum generator and reinforced bellows suction pads – series 08 22 19S.

8_066Vuototecnica components were used to simplify the palletization of eggs, stacking the packs of blisters on pallets and the plastic separators, with maximum efficiency.

The vacuum generator, as you can see, was mounted directly on the gripping hand, thanks to its lightness and its small dimensions.

The body and the cover plate are made of anodized aluminum, the ejectors and the retaining screws are in stainless steel. The sealing gasket is made of EPDM. All quality materials, which also guarantee a long life and easy maintenance. The generator has 4 vacuum connections (one for connection to any control or measurement tools), a vacuum gauge, a quick coupling for compressed air supply and metal end-caps.

It is possible to make the working environment quieter with the installation of SSX silencers, able to further reduce the noise level, in itself limited.

The bellow suction cups, in contact with the irregular surface of the separator to be taken, shrink back, lifting the load of a few centimeters, so that the underlying separator does not remain stuck to the one raised, leafing through the layers without problems. They also compensate for the surface irregularities, ensuring a firm grip and a precise and delicate release.

Read more about the individual components, you can display product data sheets on the website



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