We’ll fly again


“Volare” is certainly one of the most famous Italian songs in the world. Since 1957, when it was written by Domenico Modugno and Franco Migliacci, it continues to be one of the most exciting and meaningful songs of the Italian scene.

Few people know, however, that the song was born as a hymn to redemption in a moment of suffering. As an emblem of something wonderful that comes from moments of difficulty, we propose this song as the soundtrack of a video dedicated to all Italians, and also to those who look with confidence at our country debilitated by Covid-19.

We look through the fog to find the Italy we know: a country with an extraordinary artistic and cultural heritage, testimony of a glorious past; homeland of men like Archimedes of Syracuse, the emperor philosopher Marcus Aurelius, Dante Alighieri, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci; and again, the country of food and wine, with unique landscapes in the world (we have the largest number of sites declared World Heritage by UNESCO).

Italy is also a great industrial country, the second largest in Europe, with companies at the forefront of innovation, able to achieve leadership on all international markets in multiple sectors: mechanics, boating, construction, precious metals, furniture; a nation with hundreds of thousands of manufacturing companies with considerable know-how, dynamic and open to the changing world; a country of entrepreneurs who find solutions tailored to customers, solving problems that affect several application fields.

Now that we are called to work together to defeate Coronavirus, we are confident that together we will return to show our qualities to the world, stronger than ever before.

We apologize for any misunderstandings and delays due to the current emergency situation. We are committed to doing our best to comply with government directives on which we are constantly updated and if the situation changes, we are informing you promptly.


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