When it comes to vacuum, in bookshops one mostly finds non-fiction titles. Novels are harder to find. Yet there are some very good ones that deal, directly or indirectly, with the concept.

Among these, to keep you company under a parasol, in the shade of a tree or on your sofa at home, we recommend the two volumes of The Evolutionary Void by Peter F. Hamilton, the latest in a trilogy of novels about vacuum.

The first book is set in a complex fictional universe where humanity confronts an anomaly located at the centre of the galaxy that consists of an indestructible ‘micro-universe’, the Void, hungry for energy and matter, where entire peoples must migrate from different planets. A pilgrimage that seems like destiny but is soon called into question.

The second volume of the story picks up all the subplots and characters left unresolved in the first for a suspenseful and thought-provoking finale.

These are two novels that combine action, political intrigue and philosophical musings, a compelling read for fans of space opera.

If you like the story, go back and do not miss the previous two volumes of the trilogy: The Dreaming Void and The Temporal Void.

Don’t try to get technical information from reading! This is still science fiction. Although, you know, visionaries can also make a difference in the real world.



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